I finally got my ps2 hooked up to my home network and so I began playing Amplitude with my friend online.
Amplitude is an awesome game in case anyone who might read this has any interest in such things. It's a simple rhythm game in which you "turn on" tracks in a song by correctly hitting the beat sequence for two bars, then sliding over to another track and doing it over again. Each track contains three beat slots which your impact points slide through as you attempt to hit them. Needless to say it gets pretty complex and is fairly pretty as far as rhythm games go.
We then went on to play some Champions of Norrath and I have to say, aside from the occasional disconnect (save often in this game,) it's a much better game online. We were actually on the phone the whole time as i don't yet have a keyboard for my ps2 and there is no onscreen version. The game supports headsets which i think would actually be much better for this one as it's an action game (no s***, I know.)
So we played until the wee hours of the morning and plan on doing it again in the next couple of days. I just hope I'm not going to be giving up on sleep anytime in the near future though all signs point to yes.
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