Monday, July 26, 2010

July 14:
Dueling Grounds is well and selling Munchkin, mostly. Initial burst of sale in Cthulhu Dice has cooled down.
Monthly Munchkin Wednesday ensued. Deanna and Elisa joined the fray, I won. Forgot prize support at home, will make it up to them. Deanna used black Munchkin Die, began at lvl2; Elisa used iphone Munchkin Counter app, which gives different boons at different lvls. Fun game, Deanna is incredibly nice, also moving to Ann Arbour (sp?)

Ordered a shipment from Warehouse 23 at end of June, still waiting for it to ship. Just noticed that Kill-O-Meter is still on order, which is why it hasn't shipped yet. Will re-do order without Kill-O-Meter.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Went to Dueling Grounds today, spoke to Wayne. Was busy with receiving an order but he wanted to say hi and ask what I want to run during May. Will return when I have info ready for him. He also wants to play TSAR. He suggested coming on TABS Wednesday.

Went to 401. They recently restocked Munchkin and everything is going well.

Went to Hairy T. Spoke to Leon and everything is going well. Spoke to staff member about Kaiba, it has not been released in US marketplace yet.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A table for determining the XP goal of a random encounter in 4E D&D.

Roll 3d6 and consult the table below. PL = Party Level experience goal based on DMG recommendations.

3: PL + 100%
4-5: PL + 50%
6-7: PL + 25%
8-13: PL
14-15: PL + 25%
16-17: PL + 50%
18: PL + 100%

This gives a chance of getting a stupidly hard encounters that players ~really shouldn't~ try to fight. I like this because then players think about whether they should even be in an encounter or not. I also have areas that are pretty consistent monster levels, so parties could go to an area they ~really shouldn't~ be in. These two things go well with each other. :D

A system for learning how to sing or play an instrument in 4th Ed D&D

I haven't figured out yet how this will affect Bards, but if your PC wants to learn how to play an instrument or sing for fun and profit, this is a system by which they could do it.

This is a progressive skill challenge system, as PCs get better at singing the complexity rises. They also gain levels in the instrument which they are training with, getting a roll modifier with each level. This speaks to the PC getting better at singing but also learning harder and more complex songs. PCs rise in instrument levels as they get better, this level can be used as a reaction modifier (1d20 + instrument level + CHA modifier) based on the audiences expectation (DC should take into consideration the difficulty of the piece or orchestration and the audience's expectation.) This level can also be used as a modifier to learn the next level, making it that much easier to pass individual skill checks. The instrument level can also obviously be used for when you're playing your instrument for any other reason, assuming how well you're playing is a factor in what you're doing.

The stats used are DEX and Insight alternately. DEX because of the manual dexterity involved in learning how to play an instrument and Insight for judging how good you sound.

I'd recommend a fairly high DC, a level 2 PC of mine had a DC of 18 and a complexity of 1 in order to learn the first level of instrumentation. This is because picking up an instrument you've never played before and figuring out the basics is a lot harder than practicing and building on what you already know. Her challenge complexity will be increased every two levels she increases. So basically the complexity is (instrument level/2=complexity level for the skill challenge.) This assumes your PC starts at instrument level 0, which she should.

If you're learning with a teacher, they would make a saving throw against how awful you sound, and if they pass they give you a +2 mod to learn the next level on the entire skill challenge. Teachers need to be at least one instrument level higher than the PC.

I would suggest that if a PC is practicing in her spare time, she could take a maximum of 1 skill challenge per 2 weeks of casual practice. If she is actively spending lots of time learning the instrument, she could take a skill challenge every 3 days.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 8th, store visits.

Visited 401 games and Hairy Tarantula.

401 doing well, had conversation about expediting battle in D&D 4e. No concerns or questions this month, reminded them of Chez Cthulhu.

Hairy Tarantula also doing well, spoke to L this time (no new concerns or questions,) was busy with receiving order. Also spoke to employee whom I had previously spoken to before about armies of cheap plastic minis, told her about my report to SJ, also that nobody has contacted me concerning her idea.

Still awaiting order from w23.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning

I start here a blog of my activities as a Steve Jackson Games MIB, who volunteer to run games at stores and conventions as well as liaise with stores. I've been an MIB since the summer of 2009.

I currently have a gross career tally of 40 SJG points (4 of which are spendable) and have made my second order from w23.

My order includes these games: Deluxe Illuminati; Chez Cthulhu; Revolution!

Happy day!