We awoke the next day early enough for the included continental and packed ourselves into two small tables. I took Ma Pop up to her room when she was done with the intention of coming back down to finish my breakfast. I got back after dropping her off and the waitress had cleared the table, she's quick. Ma Pop took a nap and the rest of the family went to take the laundry to be done. It was surprisingly far, the ~other,~ closer laundromat being closed for all of August. It will be a long time before I understand the workings of Italian business. It was a nice walk along the main tourist port, over four beautifully crafted bridges and up into a neighborhood we didn't know. We found the place with very little difficulty and paid twenty euros per load for separation into lights and darks, washing, drying, and folding. I figured that it wasn't bad for a tourist price. We bought some beer, wine, and pop at a corner store on the way home, I love Europe). I went alone to pick up our laundry and it was a quick trip through the winding streets. Navigation by foot and boat are the only ways to travel in Venezia and walking seems to be the faster of the two, though some of the bodies of water don't have bridges across. I enjoyed the time alone and paced quickly through the other tourists, as per mi mode.
German book background: A+