The bamboo plant is getting pretty big, I wonder if I should cut and re-pot the tallest stalk, so that it's not coming off the (rather ugly) store-bought and painted plant. The family is apartment-hunting. We have one that we've applied for and are waiting to hear from the landlord if we have it or not. He should be calling today, tomorrow, or Thursday about it. We also have a second choice, which is not nice as the one we want, but we're applying for it today. We went to see two places yesterday and neither of them were exactly what we wanted. I'll be happy to be more central, so happy. I'm supposed to be writing a script for a radio drama I'm trying to put together, but I can't seem to find the motivation for writing. A couple nights ago I was up until four, but I was watching foreign horror movies instead of doing anything productive. The script, what I have of it, which is more of a concept than a script, is turning out to be pretty serious. I wanted this thing to be a comedy, but I suppose I am better at writing about people getting hurt than I am at writing about people doing other things. If I ever get this script finished, I will post it or a link to it in my journal. I've got one postcard that I'm going to send and it's suitably unique. I need to find at least one more, though. A reminder: If you want a card from me this Christmas, comment here. |
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